Working On Number And Algebra is part of the Number Strategies series which helps students develop their skills and abilities in topics on Number and Algebra.
The activities in the series are guided by the Australian National Curriculum and contain a blend of activities ranging from the developmental and investigative to application style problems. Most activities contain a final extension task where students can further extend their understanding, quiz their peers, research a new idea or develop their mathematical creativity.
This book, Working On Number And Algebra, provides a range of activities to help students develop their mental skills and abilities when calculating with directed numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. The aim is to show students that mathematics is flexible and that there are many ways to approach the same calculation.
There is also an emphasis on using equations to solve real life problems as well as focus on exposing students to the concept that algebra is used to simplify our understanding of the world. Each section is proceeded by extensive teacher notes and guidance on how to teach a new strategy. This book can assist with teachers’ lesson development and also help spark creativity in the Mathematics classroom.
Author: Mirella Trimboli