As a customer to our online store you are very important to us and we want you to continue shopping with us in the future. So...
- If you feel that the ebook or font that you have purchased is not what you thought it was please contact us ( We’ll either replace it or refund your money.
- If you have difficulties downloading an electronic product please email us (as above) – we’ll talk you through the problem or email you another copy if we still can’t work it out.
- If you order a hard copy book and don’t receive it within 10 working days please email us (as above). Remember, that if you purchase an electronic or digital product (ebook) you need to download it yourself after the purchase is complete – we don’t send an ebook to you via the mail.
- Make sure that you view the Sample File of the ebook you are interested in (See “View Sample” on the product information page). However, if you purchase the ebook and you don’t feel that it matches the description on the information page; or is different to the sample file please contact us (as above). We’ll either replace it with a more suitable product or refund your money.